DNA Diet and Healthy Weight DNA Test
From $179
Order Now!Have you considered the role your genes play in how your body processes the food that you eat every day? Learn how to manage your weight more efficiently, start making choices that are optimal for your health and discover what diet will work best for you with the DNA Diet and Healthy Weight DNA Test. Science has shown that there is a close link between your genes and your fat response and ability to lose weight. This means that without even realising, your overall lifestyle might not be the best match for your genes which could result in less than desired weight loss.
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Test Results and Further Information
The valuable information you will learn from taking this test is important if you want to reach and maintain your target weight. Some of the things you will learn about yourself include:
What are your calorie needs? Results will tell you what foods you should be eating to meet the calorific needs of your body as well as your protein, carbohydrate and fat utilization. We are not all build in the same way and you could be taking in an excessive number of calories from the wrong foods with your current diet. Optimize your calorie needs with this DNA test.
What are your optimal nutrient needs? Results will tell you what nutrients you should be taking more of and why by looking at your genetic response. The test looks at 7 different nutrients including Vitamin A and Vitamin B6. You might have a result which shows you have a high risk of a certain nutrient deficiency so upping your intake of the nutrient in question could give your health a boost.
What are the best exercises? There is no one type of exercise fits all formula for maintaining a healthy weight. Different people react very differently to different exercises and although any exercise combined with a good diet will result in weight loss, knowing which exercises to undertake based upon your genetic makeup will enhance results.
More Information
Results will be ready in 30 to 45 working days from the moment your samples are received at the laboratory. The results of the DNA Diet and Healthy Weight DNA Test can help you find solutions to various concerns including your weight, your metabolism, exercise routine as well as your food allergies by looking at your genotype.
Taking the test is very easy – once you have confirmed your order, we will promptly dispatch your sample collection kit. Your kit will contain the following items:
- Two test swabs (both for your DNA)
- Swab envelopes for your DNA
- Instructions for the sample collection procedure
- Addressed reply envelope
The DNA samples for the diet DNA test can be collected by simply rubbing the swabs inside the mouth, under the tongue and against your inner cheek. Once you have done this for around 30 seconds, allow the swabs to dry and seal them back into their envelope. Once you have both sets of swabs sealed up you just need to send the swabs back to us in the prepaid envelope and wait about 30 to 45 working days from the time we receive your sample for your test results to come back.
If you have been exercising and dieting for a while with no real results it might be because your exercise routine does not complement your genetic makeup. This is just the tip of iceberg regarding the wealth of knowledge you can gain through this simple test.
What other health tests do you have available?
Wouldn’t it be nice to know what our genes have to say about our lifestyle, habits and characteristics begin making smart lifestyle decisions based upon your DNA and
genetic makeup with the Wellness and Lifestyle DNA Test. Click here for more information.