Cheap Paternity Test - The Only Thing Cheap About Our DNA Test Is The Price

Sometimes the only way to answer questions about family relationships is to undertake some DNA testing. However, contrary to popular belief it's not that hard to find a company which is able to provide you with a cheap paternity test. Just a few years ago, you may have paid in excess of £450 but this was based on supply and demand rather than the true cost of conducting DNA tests in a lab.
As customers were willing to pay these high figures, they continued to do so until demand was so high (and the number of paying customers was so profitable) that prices could finally be lowered. These days you can get a cheap paternity test from companies such as Who'zTheDaddy?™ for as little as £99 (CA$189).
Cheap Paternity Test - Reliable and Indisputable
The price may have come down over the past several years but the labs and the accuracy are still exactly the same. All of the DNA tests at Who'zTheDaddy?™ are conducted in a specialist DNA parentage lab (one of around 40 throughout the world) and the company is accredited by the AABB, so you can be confident in the quality of analysis.
Furthermore, all of the tests conducted in the labs are conducted the same way regardless of their purpose and the method actually surpasses the F.B.I standards for human genetic identity testing. There are 16 genetic markers used so there is no disputing the evidence, the proof is solid and would stand up as fact in a court room providing certain sample collection procedures have been complied with.
The equipment is also high-tech which leads some people to wrongly assume tests must be expensive. The truth is the state-of-the-art equipment used to run DNA tests is actually what keeps costs down. By using highly automated laboratory robotics and other pieces of specialised kit costs can be kept low. Data transfers between equipment are also automated which hugely reduces the potential for human error (there is no human involved) and it also means fewer human workers are needed which makes DNA tests cheaper.
Other DNA Testing Companies
The market is growing and as such there are plenty of companies out there other than Who'zTheDaddy?™ offering paternity tests but you should be careful. Other labs might or might not be accredited and may or may not be professional and precise. Equally, companies like those might struggle to provide you good customer service on your tests as they won't be doing the testing!
Who'zTheDaddy?™ it's a different story, we are able to answer any question you might have about the status of your test because it is all on file. Because there is no middle man, there's no wait for tests to be sent between the company and a lab either. This means that you can often get paternity results back within 5 days or sometimes as little as 3 or 4.
Who’zTheDaddy? offer a wide choice of DNA Paternity Test services designed to provide accurate answers to emotional questions. Whether you are looking to verify paternity, confirm siblingship or research genealogy, for peace of mind or for legal use, we are able to provide the appropriate DNA Paternity Test at the most competitive rates, confidentially and professionally.
Using state-of-the-art technology we are able to provide conclusive results on time, every time. Click here to contact one of our knowledgeable customer service advisors by telephone or email.